Professional Community Association Management Since 1984
Houston 713-981-9000
San Antonio 210-490-0000
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Since 1984, C.I.A. Services has been a leader in managing community associations. We are well respected and the trusted choice for over 150 community associations throughout the greater Houston and San Antonio areas.

Community leaders select C.I.A. Services because we are the best investment value for their communities and their time. We’re the best investment value because we immediately deliver control, order, systems, and guidance helping these leaders lead.

We are better at what we do for you. Our competitors are good at what they do. But we approach your time, reputation and fiduciary responsibility with a much greater commitment to helping you succeed and give you the freedom to be strategic in improving your community. We do this quickly, easily, clearly, and more predictably than any of our competitors do. We protect your downside better, multiply your upside more, and provide you more expert guidance and tools so you can maximize your effectiveness as a leader.

We are a full-service management company providing every level of service that a community association needs. From attending board meetings to all aspects of budgeting and financial management to watching over the facilities and contractors to handling deed restrictions and interpersonal relationships among neighbors and everything in between - we handle it all.

We look forward to sharing our expertise with you. If you would like to know how we can specifically benefit you and your community, please call us toll-free at 866-219-0563 or request a management proposal.



Mission Statement and Core Values

Our company has always operated under the same philosophy of not only taking care of our communities and the people within them, but also our employees and the greater community!  Our mission statement summarizes it quite nicely:

Our passion is to develop outstanding employees, inspire them to support the success of our communities and, together, be responsible stewards of the world around us.

We accomplish our mission by focusing on seven core values. 

  • Stewardship – We understand our duty to diligently care for that which has been entrusted to us by our clients.  We recognize that we impact the environment around us and have a duty to preserve it for future generations.
  • Passion – We strive to approach each day motivated to achieve great things for our clients.  Our success and satisfaction in our work is possible by our passion to make a difference every day.
  • Empathy – To truly help others, we must be able to put ourselves in their place and treat them with the understanding and respect we all deserve.  We must strive to listen, understand and support those persons we touch who are going through difficult times.
  • Community – We strive to help make subdivisions a community where residents know and enjoy their neighbors and live in harmony.  As a business, we want to be a positive influence on the greater community through our volunteer efforts, donations, and support.
  • Integrity – We will always perform our duties honestly and ethically.  Our decisions and pathways will follow the moral compass of who we are.
  • Awesomeness – Our goal will always be to provide the best service to our clients through excellence in everything that we do.  As individuals, we must understand and utilize our strengths and broaden our talents.
  • Loyalty – We are committed to the success of our communities and will help them through all challenges.  Our employees are the foundation of our success and we will be their partner in their personal growth and success.

Together, these seven values spell out "special." We hold these core values close to heart and strive to ensure that all of the work we do is SPECIAL.


C.I.A. Services Seminar Series »

At its core, C.I.A. Services is a learning organization. We place a high priority on learning, analyzing, research and planning.

  • Board Member Orientation
  • Advanced Topics for Board Members
  • Understanding Collections & Financial Reports
  • Practical Deed Restriction Management
  • Essentials of Architectural Control
  • Facilities, Contracts & Maintenance
  • The Super-Budgeting Process
  • Community Website Administrator Training

Click here for more information.

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Did you know?

C.I.A. Services has an office in the Greater Houston area and an office in the Greater San Antonio area.  Click here for office locations.

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